Goin into my second trimester now... I just had a check-up and heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time! It was exciting and everything sounded as it should. My next appointment will be in two weeks including an ultra sound. Since I had those problems when I was pregnant with Johanna they want to measure the length of my cervix... This will help determine whether I have to come in for weekly progesterone shots to keep from delivering early... Doc. didn't seem overly concerned sine I ended up carrying Johanna to term but you can never be too careful! I hope I don't have to get weekly shots...but if I have too, I'll get used to the idea. As long as the baby is born healthy like Johanna was!
Johanna recently learned to give kisses it's soo cute. I just ask her "Can Mommy have a kiss?" and she'll lean in and slobber on me. Sometimes she just bonks heads with me but usually there is slobber involved. Still the best Kisses ever!
We haven't taken any pictures lately , but here is one from August that I love:
We took Johanna to the pumpkin patch on Sunday. She had a lot of fun despite the wind and dust. There were lots of people and pumpkins of all colors and shapes to look at. Her favorite was watching the tractors go by with all the people sitting on the trailers with their pumpkins. She waved at them everytime one went by! I heard a few "Oh my god that is the cutest baby!"
We were just trying to measure whether we need to lower the mattress...But she grabbed on and stood on her own. She was so excited that she started bouncing and eventually fell back on her butt.
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.