Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday to my Princess!

A baby will make love stronger,
days shorter,
nights longer,
bankroll smaller,
home happier,
clothes shabbier,
the past forgotten,
and the future worth living for.

I can't believe Johanna is two years old. Time sure has gone by fast! I cannot imagine life with out my sweet, beautiful baby, (stubborness, tantrums and all :) ). She makes us laugh everyday and she had made our life brighter and more meaningful than I could ever imagine.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Just for fun

chocolate makes me happy....
Walking in mommy's shoes...
Play-date with cousin Sophia
Two sweet-peas in a pod
Home-made binoculars
Auntie Roya reading a story to Johanna and Alex