Friday, April 30, 2010

Going to Pre-School

Johanna will be starting Montessori pre-school on Monday. I love the program they offer and I can't wait to see how Johanna will like it. She is definitely so excited and talks about it all the time. Although she loves going to my mom's we think it will be a good experience for her. I think the school environment will help with her recent tantrums and will keep her from being bored which is when most of that happens. We'll see how is goes!

Reflux Update

Emery if doing a little better as far as her reflux goes. We have tried everything, three different kinds of formula ( we are supplementing until I can get my milk production up), I eliminated dairy from my diet, she is taking zantac, and gas drops. The combination of the hypoallergenic formula, zantac, gas drops and me avoiding dairy seems to be doing the trick. In a months or two I we'll see if we can eliminate some of this and see how she will react. Other than that she is doing well and seems to be growing just fine. We have her two-month appointment next week and I can't wait to see how much weight she has gained!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baby Emery has Reflux :(

So Emery has been really cranky in the last few day and then on Tuesday she actually spit up blood! Needless to say it scared the crap out of us and we took her to the Dr immediately. Right now the theory is that her esophagus was very irritated from acid reflux. We started her on Zantac today, so hopefully that will help. I just hate to see her in pain. Other than that she is doing well and gaining weight; today she was 9 lbs 3 oz, 2 oz more than on Tuesday!

Friday, April 9, 2010

One Month Checkup

Emery had her 1-month well visit yesterday and she is doing great! She gained almost 2 lbs since birth!

Emery's stats:

Weight: 8 lbs 12 oz (34 %ile)
Length: 21.25" (49 %ile)
Head: 14" (13 %ile)