Tuesday, April 28, 2009

March for Babies

The walk was a huge success. Witht he help of family and friends I was able to raise $2,037!! On walk day, the weather was perfect and there was a great turnout. Our family team was one of the biggest non-corporate groups there, so thank you all for coming out! I have been trying to find a way to honor my son and I think that this was about as good as it gets.


Neuty and Trish said...

Hi I'm Trish, I'm on the cafe mom larryville group. My In-Laws were in town this week and Bella is young and eating every 2hrs so I was unable to walk but my family and I were downtown and saw you all. I specifically remember walking past your group with the T-shirts for Keller. It was so cool to see, It really inspired me to fundraise and walk next year. Congrats on raising such a sum of money for March of Dimes. (Also, that is SUCH a cute picture of Johanna with the bunny)


Lylia said...

That's so awesome you raised so much money for the March of Dimes!