Tuesday, April 15, 2008


We fed Johanna cereal for the first time two days ago. It was hilarious, she made a face like we gave her a shot of tequila or something. We got it on tape but did't take any pictures unfortunately. She tried to push the cereal/mush out with her little tongue the whole time. After a while though she finished the whole thing (one whole tablespoon)! So we tried again yesterday and that didn't work as well, probabaly bacause she was actually hungry. I don't think she realizes that the cereal is food so it was just making her angry. So I nursed her and then she ate some cereal, again with some resistance...

We'll see how today goes...

In the meantime I am busily making and freezing baby food. I made some apples, sweet potatoes and broccoli so far. I am excited to go to the farmers market this weekend to see what other goodies I can find. I want to make some peas but I don't think they are in season, I might have to revert to frozen for the time beeing...I would love for Johanna to develop a taste for healthy food early so she'll like those things later on. So once she eats the cereal OK and learns to swallow it properly we can start feeding her fruits and veggies. I can't even imagine the messes...

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