Friday, October 26, 2007


Finally completely finished. At least I think so. We have everythign ready, all the bedding, we have decorations up etc... So now all we need is a Baby! Take a look:

Lucero, Bottleneck, October 10th.

Yep so I cheated a tad and went to this show two days before my bedrest ended... I am a horrible person. But I sat the whole time, so how is it any different than sitting at home? No smoking in public places in Lawrence, so that wasn't an issue at all. This was such a treat to get to see them play after having to hang out at home for six weeks straight. It was perfect. They played my request, "Little Silver Hearts" AKA the best live song ever. ..and Ben even did "Chrystal Blue" which I have never heard live! It was weird not being front and center but it was fun. I was exhausted at the end of the night but it was so worth it. I took some pictures, but I was too far away so they didn't turn out. But here is one my drunken friend Brandon took after the show:
Ben Nichols and myself after the show

Saturday, October 6, 2007

33 Weeks!!

Like I have told some of you, I am huge. It's starting to get harder to get to sleep because it seems like she is squashing some organ or the other no matter how I lay down. Last doctor's visit was fine, I still haven't dilated anymore. I may go full term after all (knock on wood)
At least I only have one more week of bedrest left. I am really tired of sitting inside all day...

She is still moving a lot which is comforting to me for the most part. The other night she kicked me in the ribs so hard that I woke up from it and yelped loud enough for Dustin to wake up. That was not so cool, but it's good to know that she is healthy enough to do crap like that.

Only 7 weeks to go, I can'tbelieve it. It still seems really far away, yet terrifyingly close. We starst child birth class next week, and after that we should be as ready as we'll ever be.