Monday, May 19, 2008

My Happy Healthy Girl

Dustin's cousin Kim asked me the other day whether I am getting tired of people commenting on how chubby Johanna is. Honestly it had never even occured to me to be offended by that... I wouldn't have it any other way! She is so healthy and happy and a lot of that is because I was able to breast feed her for so so long and still am! I am so glad I was able to, and I am very proud of how healthy, beautiful AND chubby she is.


Lylia said...

I strongly agree! Johanna is a cute little chubster and most importantly HEALTHY!!! Breastmilk does a body good. Sophia is following in her cousins footsteps too. Those baby rolls and chubby arms/legs are the best! Keep up the great work :)

Anonymous said...

I believe in More to LoVe!!! lol.. Johanna is perfect and I am thankful she is Healthy and Happy and has a good Mama to feed her!!

Amy Dietz said...

I agree too! You're a great Mama.