Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2 Months Old!

I can't believe Emery is two months old already...it has gone so fast. Currently she is suffering from a cold so she is pretty congested but is otherwise doing great. She is gaining weight despite her reflux; I just feed her smaller meals every 1.5 - 2 hours and the medicine seems to help as well. Yesterday we went to the pediatrician for her 2-month well-visit and Dr. Blum was very happy with her. She has excellent head control and was very alert and responsive. Her stats as of 5/10/2010 are as follows:

Emery's Stats:

Weight: 10 lbs 9.5 oz (38 %ile)
Length: 22.5" (48 %ile)
Head: 15" (27 %ile)

Emery after receiving a fat spaghetti kiss form big Sister!

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